I wanted to comment on Bethel McGrew's National Review piece, which ironically seems to bolster Aaron's point that all kinds of excuses are made for women. The criticisms, frankly, are lame.

"Still, elements of Renn’s project are up for debate. To begin with, we should question how well the conservative cause is served by borrowing and normalizing the rhetoric of the manosphere. Renn himself intends to strike a precarious balance between the excesses of feminism and “meninism.” But language matters. By desensitizing readers to code phrases like “white knight,” Renn risks creating a vulnerability in men who will no longer recognize it as a red flag should they fall down a hard meninist rabbit hole."

This further solidifies how cucked (and I try not to throw that term around willy nilly) NR is. It would be an improvement if they showed even a small fraction of the concern in how much they assimilate the language and presuppositions of the left. My goodness! Renn used a useful term to describe a certain phenomenon (which McGrew doesn't understand since she concludes, "Perhaps in saying this, I risk being accused of enabling “white knight syndrome” myself. But real white knights are good for something, after all. In the coming years, we will need more of them, not fewer.")

"This latest newsletter also unquestioningly recycles the oft-cited 70 percent statistic on the proportion of divorces filed by women, which obscures the fact that the filing party may well not be at fault. (Renn mentions this as a fact about women that “white knight” conservatives “can’t bring themselves” to acknowledge.)"

I've never heard this "oft-cited" statistic anywhere else.

"When it comes to moral culpability for abortion in particular, Renn is too quick to underestimate the power of the Planned Parenthood propaganda machine. One need not infantilize mothers to acknowledge that strong societal forces can impair their moral vision, particularly for the very young and vulnerable."

Why does it only apply to women then? I don't see how, if one's going to make this argument, it wouldn't equally apply to the boyfriend pressuring his girlfriend to get an abortion. So ultimately, all McGrew is saying is, "I don't really like what Renn is saying, but I'm going to confirm every bit of it is true by what I saw."

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Loved the piece on Nashville. As an urban expert, I’d really be interested in your perspective on our town, Bremerton, Wa. West of Seattle with 3 Navy Shipyards. We have been undergoing a lot of growth and gentrification. It will be interesting to see what our future holds

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